Hyperscaling SaaS & family

Show notes

The journey of hyperscaling is synonymous with the remarkable success story of Pigment. Eléonore Crespo, the Co-Founder of Pigment, has achieved a staggering 600% revenue growth in 2022 compared to 2021, and the company has raised an impressive $250M in just three years. Notably, some of the industry's giants such as Klarna, Miro, Airtable, Figma, Webhelp, Poshmark, Eventbrite, and Mozilla have harnessed the power of Pigment's platform.

Intrigued by the art of hyperscaling while fostering family values simultaneously? Tune in to this insightful session moderated by Miriam Partington during Unplugged 2023 to gain valuable insights into this unique journey.

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