Embracing the adventure and leading to Endure: The story of Airbnb

Show notes

Nathan (Nate) Blecharczyk is the Co-Founder of Airbnb and Chief Strategy Officer. Nate plays a leading role in driving key strategic initiatives across the global business, particularly those which require a holistic understanding of the business, public policy, product, data, and Airbnb’s long-term stakeholder interests. Nate has led the creation of Airbnb’s engineering, data science, payments, and performance marketing teams. More recently, he oversaw the creation of the Airbnb City Portal, an industry-first software solution that addresses the needs of cities relating to short-term rentals. In this episode, Nate will share a few very personal moments and experiences as an entrepreneur building and scaling Airbnb into one of the most enduring companies of our time in a fireside chat with Visionaries Club Founding Partner Robert Lacher.

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